US offers over a billion dollars to support Mindanao railway project
The offer came after the Philippines decided against pursuing Chinese official development assistance (ODA) financing for the project
The offer came after the Philippines decided against pursuing Chinese official development assistance (ODA) financing for the project
Pope Francis has once again appealed to Catholic priests to keep their homilies short, this time warning that homilies should be no longer than eight minutes or “people will fall asleep.”
The pope returned to the topic of the admission of men “with homosexual tendencies to seminaries, reiterating the need to welcome them
He noted the lack of media coverage and international focus which causes many emergencies to remain largely unseen
The priest called for a concerted global effort to address the severe challenges posed by climate change and poverty in Asia
Hontiveros also asked Duterte not to defend Quiboloy after the former president condemned the "excessive" force in serving the arrest warrant
Archbishop Wells framed the Caritas Asia regional conference as a pivotal "call to action," urging participants to go beyond mere discussions
The elderly has been repeatedly approached by suspected state agents and was offered livelihood support in exchange for his “cooperation"
"We provide crucial services to society and deserve equitable compensation and benefits. Without us, societal functions would be severely impacted"
He encouraged everyone to work together responsibly and proactively in addressing the needs of the earth and those in poverty
The lay arm of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP)